Saturday, July 21, 2012

Behold the Real Chosen One

I have spent and will continue to spend a great portion of my life discussing in detail the Star Wars universe. The topic for this blog comes along a certain ambivalence with it because I am going to change your whole understanding of the Force, the idea of who the Chosen One is, and a character I did not think much of except for that Liam Neeson played him and that was sweet. You see I am an original trilogy guy, and I do not like conversations dealing with the prequel trilogy, and refuse to participate in any conversation that at any point holds the phrase "In the Extended Universe". Except for the first Force Unleashed video game, which I do consider canon. Unfortunately the Chosen one is only in the prequels and is in the worst Star Wars movie ever. Thats right Qui Gon Jinn is the Chosen One. First off lets start with what makes one the Chosen One. Well according to its Wikipedia page the Chosen One has to have a high Midi-Chlorian count, has to be strong with the Force, and destined to alter it forever. According to various characters in the movies the Chosen One will ultimately bring balance back to the force. That is a pretty big undertaking for anyone, and it is this idea of bringing balance back to the Force that is the trickiest part. You see the common person thinks due to the misguided ways of the Jedi Council that to bring balance to the Force, the Sith must be destroyed so that the Dark Side of the Force is defeated and that the Light Side of the Force will forever rule and the galaxy will prosper. You know what I say to that? Bullshit, that's what. The Jedi should probably study the Force a little less and a dictionary a little more because in no way is one side ruling the other completely considered balanced. There must be an equilibrium between the Light and the Dark, or an equilibrium between Life and Death. The Light Side will bring one peace and life, while the Dark Side brings power but it also brings death. The Chosen One must be able to bridge those two together. So why isn't Anakin Skywalker the Chosen One? That is a fair question to ask considering the movies and George Lucas himself has told you that he in fact is. I mean all six movies are really about Anakin's journey of discovery, rise to glory because of his natural ability and talent, fall from grace due to his corruption, and ultimately his redemption. So I can see where it makes sense that everyone would think that this main character of six movies would be the Chosen One, especially since the mastermind behind it all has confirmed it. The only problem is that George Lucas has shown over the years that he knows very little about what really happens in Star Wars and he should not be considered and expert on his own subject material. But just so you people have proof lets run down the list of what makes a Chosen One. Anakin did have the highest Midi-Chlorian count that the Jedi Council had ever seen, but too bad dumbass Lucas had to go and mention that Luke has the same count as his father in an interview, so it shows that highest doesn't mean Chosen One (see what I mean about him not being considered an expert in his own creation, I swear to God the man just says things just for the hell of it, even if it makes no sense). I will concede the fact Anakin is very strong with the force considering he mastered both the Light and Dark Side of it and was admitted to be trained as a Jedi despite his age due to his natural talent. However Anakin really did nothing to alter the Force forever, sure he killed the strongest Sith lord ever and possibly destroyed the Sith for a time but it is only a matter of time before some one with the Force choose Power over Peace. Finally Anakin never Balances the force neither since all he does is give more power to the Light side which again is not a real definition for the word balance. I can not stress enough how much I hate the prequel trilogy and how much I cannot stand the Phantom Menace. I want you to know that because I would not make this claim that Qui Gon is the Chosen One if I didn't know it to be true. They never say what his Midi-Chlorian number is so I have no clue, and to be honest I do not care, I am not a fan of Midi-Chlorians I think there could of been a better way of explaining the force but that is neither here nor there. Qui Gon is quite strong with the force he has a very deep understanding of the Force that often at times gets him in trouble with the Jedi Council because of differing beliefs in the ways of the Force. Qui Gon alters the Force by ever by being the first to become with the Force in Spirit. Through this he balances the force because know Jedi's are the masters of both life and death a la the Chosen One. Now you must be thinking "Wow Pat, you kinda skimmed over those last two points most important points there didn't ya?" This is true, I did, but only so I could give you crazy in-depth fanboy explanations that are broken up into more paragraphs instead of one long ass one. We all know that Lucas was inspired by Joseph Campbell's work on the ideas of mythology and how all myths have reoccurring themes and characters, like the Chosen One, or Savior, or Messiah or whatever the hell you want to call him, but it is with Qui Gon that Lucas mistakenly made a Christ figure. How so? Well Qui Gon has a completely new and revolutionary way of understanding the Force and it bothers the centuries old council. Kinda like how Jesus had a new and revolutionary way of understanding God and his Laws which bothered the centuries old council. He then dies a violent death only to come back from death and become one with the force and achieve immortality. He then passes this knowledge onto others so that they can then achieve immortality at the time of their deaths. I don't know about you but that sounds a little Force altering forever to me. So the fact that all the Jedi's in the future that will be trained by Luke and will hold this power means that the Jedi's of the future are the masters of death, and that they have finally taken control of their greatest enemy. Also to achieve this it is shown in Return that only Jedi's can have this power because Anakin and not Darth is shown at the celebration. Also the Emperor is no where in sight, because one must adopt an understanding of the force similar to Qui Gon's for a Jedi to become One with the Force. Qui Gon Jinn balanced the force and changed it forever. He did not eradicate the Sith because there will always be men and women who desire earthly goods and will not worry about what is after their time is done, but The Jedi will always give people the faith that if they work hard and are upstanding immortality is theirs. So I do not see any reason why anyone would think Anakin Skywalker is The Chosen One. He is a deeply interesting character that there is a ton of discussion to be had about, but the honor of the Chosen One is most certainly Qui Gon Jinn. Stay Hungry My Friends.

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