Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Waxwork Review- Why you should see this film!

            Recently Taylor discussed the fatal flaws behind the movie The Adjustment Bureau.  The main flaw of this movie is not that it’s bad, but that it’s bad in a way that doesn’t entertain and doesn’t provide any unintentional comedy.  Recently I saw a film that was much worse than The Adjustment Bureau in plot structure, character development, and overall acting entitled Waxwork and I must say I cannot recommend seeing this movie enough.
            I could try to give a brief synopsis of the plot here, but really that would be quite pointless, as the movie has no plot.  All you need to know really is that characters venture into a wax museum called Waxwork and unintentional hilarity ensues.  Really over the course of this film I truly believed that Waxwork mastered the art of making an awful movie.  It had terrible acting, but terrible acting by the fact that literally every scene involved someone completely overselling or underselling the point.  The plot in the movie is completely and totally illogical as there is no attempt at character development or transition from scene to scene, or any real explanation of what is going on.  On the scale that matters though, whether or not I was entered by the movie, it completely delivered.  I was laughing throughout the movie at the irrational interactions, horrific special effects, and unforgettable quotes. 
            The ideal setting to watch a motion picture like this is with a group of friends, preferably your funniest ones.  You won’t feel like as much of a loser when you are watching a terrible movie with funny friends as who can add greatly to the entertainment value as you would if you were to watch the film alone.  I cannot recommend Waxwork enough to the viewer who knows what they are getting into.  To someone looking to be entertained for an hour and a half than this is a definite 5 out of 5 stars.  If this movie was to be judged by Academy Award standards on the other hand, giving it 0 stars would probably over exaggerate the quality of the film. 

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